Vasiliki Prestidge lecturing for London Metropolitan University

Vasiliki Prestidge returns to lecturing for London Metropolitan University for a third year. This academic year she will be teaching on and assisting with an increased number of modules across the Translation BA and MA degrees. After two years of remote lecturing, this also marks a return to primarily face-to-face teaching.
On the Translation BA Vasiliki has assisted with the following modules:
Describing Language
The Translator and Language
Translation Process and Procedures
Theoretical Aspects of Translation
Going forward, Vasiliki will continue to teach Legal Translation for the Translation BA and Translation MA.
On the first day year 1 and 3 undergraduates explored such questions as:
What is language?
What is human language?
Do we listen to answer?
How do we communicate?
Are we born with the capacity for language?
What are dialects, meta-language, universal grammar and linguistic relativity?
Are there good and bad accents?
How back can we trace translation?
Is it about the words, the sense or the effect?
Is it about the reader or the author?
Or is it about the commissioner?
What is the relationship between translation and identity, culture, gender and society?
What difficulties do we encounter when translating and what methods, strategies and techniques can we use to overcome them?
Though it may be taking a lot longer to navigate the campus and additional COVID measures after such a long absence, Vasiliki is happy to be getting back to "normal" and is looking forward to what the academic year will bring.
"Students are over the moon to be back to real life classroom environment and the excitement was huge."
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Vasiliki is a translator, interpreter, transcreator, blogger, consultant and director of Greek to Me Translations Ltd. She works with English and Greek and specialises in legal, creative, and psychometrics. She is a Chartered Linguist, member of CIoL, ITI and PEM and she is registered with the Greek Consulate as a certified translator and interpreter. She holds a BA in English and Masters in Business Translation and Interpreting. She is a Steering Group Member of the CIOL Translating Division and CIOL Business, Professions and Government Division. She is an Associate Lecturer in Legal Translation at London Metropolitan University, a public speaker and writer for industry magazines. Her mission is to help you achieve your goals through the power of words. You can follow her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.