December Newsletter

Hello everyone!
and welcome to the December newsletter! With 2022 coming to a close, it is time to reflect not only on this last month but also on the year we leave behind.
The world has changed tremendously. The post-Covid era brought travelling and face-to-face work back. And the world wasn't as ready as we might have hoped.
A war was intensified, supply chains, goods, and energy entered a new unprecedented time of crisis.
Yet translation remains our constant. With demand increasing and decreasing at times, market needs shifted and client requirements varied. New hybrid models of working and multilayered services became a reality.
Flexibility, adaptability and tenacity were much required throughout the year.
At Greek to Me, we say goodbye to 2022 in a relaxed, calm, and productive pace which we welcome and appreciate.
So here is our last newsletter for 2022

December was a slower and more quiet month compared to November. We worked on 15,000 words translated or edited. Projects included marketing adaptations, certified legal translations, and voice coaching actors in recording studios during TV campaign productions. Most of the work facilitates legal proceedings, and helps push product sales in the Greek-speaking markets. We also translated and submitted our last children's book for 2022. We're so excited to see these on shelves soon and share them with you.
A year in numbers With 2022 coming to an end, we always enjoy looking back at the year and what it meant for Greek to Me Translations. So here is our year in some numbers that mean a lot to us and our clients.

What's new on the blog? Blog posts cover everything from past and upcoming events, tips, advice and updates for translators and clients.
Find all the blog posts here. Some of our recent posts include: A year in numbers and Our Holiday Opening Hours

Social Media Roundup
Greek To Me's social media publishes daily content on a range of topics as well as sharing upcoming events, blog posts, and language and industry news. The regular daily hashtags are: #MondayMotivation to start the week on a positive note; #TuesdayTips to help clients navigate the business and industry; #WednesdayWords to spotlight fun or linguistically interesting words; #ThursdayThoughts to reflect on language and translation; and #FridayFun to end the week with a laugh. If you've been missing these, head over to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn (all linked below) and follow along!
Some of the recent posts include...

Being able to learn new, unique words from any language #WednesdayWords is always a great and exciting opportunity.
To discover more #WednesdayWords head to the album below:

#ThursdayThoughtsgives us the chance to express - among other things - the importance of language through some powerful quotes.
To discover more #ThursdayThoughts click below: #ThursdayThoughts
Thanks for reading! Vasiliki Vasiliki Prestidge MA MCIL CL MITI Greek to Me Translations

Vasiliki is a translator, interpreter, transcreator, blogger, consultant and director of Greek to Me Translations Ltd. She works with English, Greek and French herself and has a team of trusted colleagues who can cover other languages. The offered language services serve mainly the legal, creative, and psychometrics industries.
Vasiliki is a Chartered Linguist, member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) and Panhellenic Association of Greek Translators (PEM). She is registered with the Greek Embassy in the United Kingdom as a certified translator and interpreter. She holds a BA in English Language and Linguistics and Masters in Business Translation and Interpreting. She is a Steering Group Member of the CIOL Translating Division (CIOL TD) and CIOL Business, Professions and Government Division (CIOL BPG). She is an Associate Lecturer in Legal Translation at London Metropolitan University teaching Legal Translation, Translation for International Organisations, Linguistics, Translation Theory and Strategy. She is a public speaker and writer for industry magazines.
Her mission is to help organisations and individuals achieve their goals through the power of words. Through mentoring, Vasiliki helps aspiring or young translators to overcome self-limiting beliefs, build a business mindset and achieve their highest potential.