Dec 31, 20193 min read
2019 reflections
And so this is it. Just like that, today is the last day of 2019. When did this happen? Does time fly only for me, or are we all experiencin

Dec 20, 20180 min read
2018 a year in numbers
Another year has come to an end. 2018 brought more coffee, clients, events, projects, and words than any other year so far. This is Greek to

Dec 19, 20180 min read
Greek to Me 2018 highlights
From successful exams and assessments, to writing articles and being elected as committee member, 2018 had it all. These are the highlights.

Dec 18, 20184 min read
4 things that are not my job, why, and what I can do instead
Every now and then, a customer will get in touch with a request that doesn’t fall within my job description. I don't believe these reque

Oct 29, 20183 min read
Someone else offered the same exact service much cheaper
When you’re looking for translators, you send them your documents and you receive quotes. How you choose to respond to those, is a matter of

Jun 1, 20184 min read
My linguistic journey
Whether you've come through my About page or you're simply browsing my blog, welcome to my journey with languages. Previously, part

Feb 21, 20183 min read
5 ways I keep in touch with my mother tongue
Translation agencies often mention on their website that they work with ‘in-country’ linguists. This means that they use translators that...

Feb 16, 20183 min read
Μεταφράσεις για το Home Office Ελληνικά - Αγγλικά
Κυρίως λόγω του δημοψηφίσματος και του επερχόμενου Brexit, πολλοί Έλληνες κάνουν αίτηση για τη Βρετανική υπηκοότητα. Να πούμε ότι πριν την υ

Jan 3, 20183 min read
Μετάφραση στρατολογικών Αγγλικά-Ελληνικά
Πολλοί Έλληνες φοιτητές στην Αγγλία κάθε χρόνο χρειάζονται αναβολή από το στρατό. Καθώς είμαι επίσημη μεταφράστρια, εγγεγραμμένη με την Πρεσ