September Newsletter
Hello everyone! and welcome to the September newsletter! It's no secret that September is synonymous with fresh starts. After some...
Oct 9, 20223 min read

It's a matter of style
A comprehensive style guide could be a game changer for the consistency, recognisability, brand identity and success of your business.
Sep 29, 20223 min read

Vasiliki Prestidge joins Memsource Panel Discussion
Vasiliki is a panelist representing CIOL on Memsource webinar regarding the role of Translation Associations in 2022 and beyond.
Sep 19, 20222 min read

Food for thought
A menu is very important for the brand image of a restaurant as a business, but translating it is not as easy as you might think.
Sep 1, 20224 min read

Summer Newsletter
As summer is coming to an end, I am excited to share with you the Summer Newsletter with all the news of the past few months!
Sep 1, 20224 min read

Vasiliki Prestidge presents at the BP22 Translation Conference in Lisbon
BP22 Translation Conference took place in Lisbon and my presentation focused on providing practical advice to implement into your business.
Jul 14, 20222 min read

Simultaneous interpreting success for your conference
Tips to help interpreters excel at their job, provide audiences a stellar service, and speakers the chance to feel at ease.
May 18, 20224 min read

Your guide to POA signing at the Greek Consulate
For many, your dream holiday home in Greece, starts by signing a Power of Attorney or Inheritance Acceptance Deed at the Greek Consulate.
May 16, 20225 min read

Vasiliki Prestidge joins CIOL Council
I am excited to announce my new role as Member of Council to the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL).
Apr 19, 20222 min read